
Relaxation Massage

Using a calming lavender scented oil with relaxing pressure, you’ll find your mind drifting into a peaceful doze as your body unwinds. Perfect to momentarily escape the hustle and bustle of modern life.

30 mins / $75

45 mins / $85

60 mins / $110

90 mins / $160

Deep Tissue Massage

Using a sports massage oil that heats up on application, this style of massage targets tension, stress, muscle tightness and anxiety. Whether you’ve got a lot on your plate or simply prefer a firmer massage, this is sure to leave your body feeling rejuvenated and invigorated.

30 mins / $90

45 mins / $120

60 mins / $150

90 mins / $220

Pregnancy Massage

A safe way and relaxing way for women to receive a massage during pregnancy.
It helps alleviate body aches, reduce stress, and ease muscle tension.

*For health and safety, we ask our clients to wait until 12 weeks of pregnancy to be able to book in for your massage.

45 mins / $95

60 mins / $120

“Kirsten is such a delight to be around and will put you totally at ease so you can relax and enjoy your treatment. Would recommend her services to anyone!”

— Rachael D